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    Shihan School of Survival Martial Art School

    The Shihan School of Survival was founded in 2005 by Shihan Walter Evans.

    We offer programs which combat the increase of youth obesity, diabetes, violence, bullying, gang activities, criminal behavior, suicide, drug use, and other societal ills. The Shihan School of Survival teaches students the art of Jujitsu and Karate so as to inspire and encourage today’s youths to develop and discipline their minds, bodies, and souls and give them confidence to  pursue difficult endeavors. We provide platforms for youth to express their creative and artistic abilities by allowing our students to perform their new skills at major theater houses such as Mahaffey Theater, Ruth Eckerd Hall, The Palladium Theater, and many other community forums.

    Students of The Shihan School of Survival are exposed to new horizons by participating in major exhibitions, competitions and tournaments. They are able to learn respect, determination, and perseverance by practicing Jujitsu and other martial arts.

    We welcome any new students and sponsors who would like to work with us in growing our martial arts program.

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    “ It’s professional, encouraging and well trained survival techniques needed for the outside world. Our instructor teaches the rules of becoming a student and what’s required. Most of all being and staying humble is taught as well. All women, men and children are welcome! ”
    P. Hammond

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